Performance Summary :
XoomFi aims to achieve the twin goals of INCOME and GROWTH as part of its Risk-managed, Long-Short Investment Strategy.
As such, the two most important metrics we use to measure our performance is Total Return (%) and Alpha (%) generated by XoomFi relative to the benchmarks.
The scatter plot of Total Return (%) and Alpha (%) gives you a clear picture of how XoomFi has performed relative to these metrics against all Benchmarks.
To help you with asset allocation, we offer you detailed and comprehensive benchmark comparisons with:
For the Jul 1, '22 to Mar 31, '24 time period, XoomFi delivered 39.07% Total Return / 22.32% Annualized Return which is favorable compared to SPX, XoomFi's primary benchmark index. More importantly, XoomFi has delivered 9% Alpha relative to SPX and >5% alpha all the other benchmarks we are tracking.
XoomFi's 22.32% Annualized Return ranks in the 99th Percentile of Total 2-Year Return of the 27,266 funds (Mutual Funds, ETF's and Closed-end Funds) tracked by Morning Star.
XoomFi portfolio aims to deliver Income AND Growth with its risk-managed, long-short investment strategy for investors looking to generate regular income while retaining equity appreciation potential.
Unlike Fixed Income investments:
The XoomFi strategy aims to deliver equity-like returns. XoomFi aims to deliver these returns at significantly lower risks - or Beta - with its inversely correlated long-short trading strategy, which provides inherent downside protection. In addition, XoomFi also considers and assesses portfolio beta and delta for trade selection.
The combination of Equity Premium Income, equity-like returns, lower Beta has delivered more Alpha - >5% - compared to ALL these diverse Investment Instruments.
This chart provides a summary of the XoomFi Risk Analysis Benchmark Comparisons with diverse Investment Instruments:
We provide this comprehensive risk analysis and benchmark comparisons with these diverse investment instruments to help you with asset allocation decisions - fixed income, equity, 60-40 allocation, etc.
XoomFi v Fixed Income
While income generation is one of the primary goals for XoomFi strategy, it does so by generating Equity Premium Income from its equity holding. Of all the investment instruments, hence, XoomFi is the least correlated with fixed income funds and has delivered:
XoomFi v Equity Funds
XoomFi invests in equities but with a twist - long-short trades are an inherent feature of XoomFi EPIC strategy. The trading strategy and trade selection favor high volatility equities for the higher income generating potential they offer, but the risk is mitigated and managed by long-short trades and by managing the portfolio beta and delta.
The benchmark comparisons clearly show that XoomFi EPIC strategy has delivered equity-like returns, but at significantly lower beta, and consequently delivering more Alpha compared to all the leading market indexes and equity funds we have been tracking and using as benchmarks:
Here is the Alpha XoomFi has delivered vs the following equity funds:
Covered Call ETF's and Funds:
Covered Call investment instrument aims to deliver GROWTH while also generating INCOME. The XoomFi Long-short strategy is highly correlated with Covered Call strategy with the principal difference being XoomFi's focus being on INCOME GENERATION while also delivering GROWTH through equity appreciation. Consequently, the XoomFi strategy represents lower risks - lower Beta - compared to Covered Call ETF's and Funds, while delivering GROWTH and consequently more Alpha. The benchmark comparison data clearly shows that XoomFi has delivered more Alpha vis-a-vis leading Covered Call funds:
Momentum & Alternative Investment Funds:
To get a better feel for the Reward / Risk associated with XoomFi, we have also been tracking the XoomFi performance v Momentum funds, which represent higher beta for potentially higher returns. With a more balanced INCOME + GROWTH strategy and by leveraging the long-short trades to mitigate risks and to lower the Beta, XoomFi has delivered much higher Alpha compared to some of the leading Momentum funds:
Benchmark Comparison Summary:
During the Benchmark Comparison term - July 1, '22 to March 31, '24 - the market has experienced several bear and bull mini-cycles. By balancing INCOME and GROWTH goals based on the market cycle and with its inherently risk-mitigating long-short investment strategy, XoomFi has delivered consistent and 99th Percentile Return - and more importantly at lower beta and consequently delivering more Alpha - >5% more Alpha - across all asset classes and investment instruments.
The XoomFi strategy has also helped us deliver total return which ranks in the 99th Percentile against the entire universe of 27,3266 funds tracked by Morning Star:
Performance Summary :
XoomFi aims to achieve the twin goals of INCOME and GROWTH as part of its Risk-managed, Long-Short Investment Strategy.
As such, the two most important metrics we use to measure our performance is Total Return (%) and Alpha (%) generated by XoomFi relative to the benchmarks.
The scatter plot of Total Return (%) and Alpha (%) gives you a clear picture of how XoomFi has performed.
In Q1 2024, XoomFi delivered 17.06% Total Return outperforming all the market indexes by a huge margin:
More importantly, XoomFi delivered Stellar and Superior Alpha :
The 17.06% Annualized Return ranks in the 98.9th Percentile of the Quarterly Return of the 27,266 funds (Mutual Funds, ETF's and Closed-end Funds) tracked by Morning Star.
XoomFi Advisors - SEC Registration # 314872 SEC File # 801-121438
111 N Market St, Suite 300, San Jose, CA 95113
Copyright © 2022-2024 XoomFi Equity Premium Income (EPI) Funds - All Rights Reserved.